History of Art Society

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Important Election Notice (04/03/22): We have identified an issue with the system in regards to the nomination mechanism for this society. To save any stress, we will be removing History of Art from this election, and will hold a by-election in due course to determine the group's committee. Rest assured, the society will remain active until the process is complete, and will not be affected by any of the dissolution measures. Please look out for any further communications via email for more information as we have it.


The Society of History of Art is here to provide social and academic events so you can meet students who share the same interest in art as you.


HOAS Facebook


Why pay for membership? Well, not only will we update you on parties we do and talks around London, you'll be able to participate in our academic events for free or for a reduced price. It's paid yearly and will help us fund the events for you. Any inquiries do contact us hoasociety@bbk.ac.uk








SOCIAL SECRETARY