Assessment Guide

Exams and assessments can be a difficult period of time for students, so that's why we've put together the ultimate guide to assessments. From taking care of yourself and managing stress, to revision tips and organisation ideas, this guide is a one-stop-shop for all things assessment period at Birkbeck.

We’ve also outlined key information you need to know about sitting your exams; before, during, and after. Most importantly, there’s a breakdown of all the different support services you may need to access during this time.

In partnership with Good Thinking, we've also put together some handy tips with our officers on how you can manage stress during this time here.


To open the guide, click the image below:



Revision Timetable

Revising can get overwhelming, which is why planning and organising your time can be beneficial to make the most out of your study sessions. You can use the revision timetable below to plan your exam or assignment prep.

This timetable is split into seven 45-minute sessions, broken up by 15-minute breaks and a longer lunch break, as well as time for a short walk. The average person can only focus for 45 minutes at a time, so this timetable allows you to work hard while staying alert, and allotting time for taking care of yourself. 

We also recommend that you be flexible. Organisation is such a key aspect of revision but remember that some days will be more productive than others, and that’s okay: this does not mean you’ve failed! Just take 15 minutes at the end of your day to review your progress and allow for time to do those tasks the next day.  

Feel free to adapt this in a way that works best for you!

Useful Links

Mitigating Circumstances Guidance

Regulations for Taught Programmes of Study 2022/23

Exam Guidelines


Students' Union Support Service

Birkbeck Student Advice Service

Birkbeck Wellbeing Service

Birkbeck Disability Service



Good Thinking

Student Minds