Not happy with an action or lack of action by the College, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the College?  


What you can't complain about:
  • Requests for new or different services or facilities. This is usually considered as feedback as changes are not actioned immediately.  

  • Matters of academic judgement. This could relate to the reasoning behind marks for an assessment, fitness to practise and/or research methodology  

Who can complain?
  • Current students  

  • Students who withdrew from or completed their studies within the last 3 months.  

Timeline of a Complaint

You should submit an appeal as soon as possible and no later than 4 weeks from the date of the incident occurring.  



Timescale of Response 


Early resolution 






Submission of formal appeal 



Start of Complaint (within 4 weeks of incident occurring) 



Formal Stage 



Up to 28 calendar days 


Submission of request for review of original complaint 


Within 14 calendar days 


Review Stage 


Normally within 28 days but can be up to 42 calendar days 


Early Resolution

Before submitting a complaint, you should try and speak to members of your Department/University Service informally to gain clarification or further guidance on the issues you face. You should be seeking to understand the reasons behind the decision and the implications for you and your studies along with what options are open to you.  

There are many people you can speak to and these could include your Personal Tutor, Programme Director, Head of Department/School, Supervisor, Module Co-ordinator or Programme Administrator. 

If you do not know who your personal tutor is, please contact your Programme Administrator or check your MyBirkbeck Profile. 

Submission of a complaint:

Before submitting your complaint, ensure to cover the below key points. Do not forget to supply as much evidence as you can in order to support your claim.  

Points to include:  

  • Detailed description of the incident/ issue; 

  • How this has either affected you or other parties involved;   

  • Why you feel it is important to make the complaint;  

  • What your preferred resolution is (it is crucial that you carefully consider what resolution you are seeking and include as much detail on this as possible in your application).   

Where to complain?

You must submit your Complaint to, or by post to: Academic Standards and Quality (Registry Services), Birkbeck, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HX. 

This will be initially reviewed by staff within the Academic Standards and Quality Team and then investigated by the Academic Registrar or their nominee. 

The team will endeavour to provide confirmation of receipt within 7 calendar days and try and provide a date by which you should receive a formal outcome (usually 28 calendar days). 

Further Advice required:

If you need further information or to discuss your case then we can offer you an appointment with one of our advisors. Please complete our case consent form here and we will be in touch to arrange an appointment.